desktop magnifier freeware tools - magnifying lens for your desktop

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Desktop magnifier tools

Magnifying glass

Is it tiring to sit closer to the computer because you cannot see clearly? Does the resolution of your workstation affect the visibility of your icon on the desktop?

Enhance the view ability of you desktop by using these magnifier applications which suit your requirements to the hilt! While some merely zoom a particular area of your screen, some also help you to measure distances between two pixels of the window.

A few also help you to replace the cursor with a magnifier tool making the application ideal for editing pixel in the graphic editors, making it simple for examining small-sized details. These tools let you magnify, zoom, and pan data from 15-32 times its original size.


Magnifier 2.2
Ever needed to see what's going on on the screen down to the pixel level? That's where the Magnifier comes in. Simple and easy to use, the Magnifier is always handy for when you need to see all the details. review
Magnifixer 10.1
screen magnifier utility that you can place anywhere on your screen, make it any size you want and select a zoom level. It will always show the area of your screen where the mouse pointer resides. review
Meazure 4.0.0
it measures objects on the screen, captures portion of the screen, magnifies, displays rulers on the screen and more. review
Scale 2.0
toolbar from which you can open the rule, to measure horizontal and vertical distances in 7 different units, the Magnifier to enlarge, up to 30 times, any image or text in the screen, the Angle Measurement Tool, to measures angles formed by lines in the screen, in degrees and radians; the Color Mixer/Picker to mix and pick colors and get the respective codes in 6 systems and a small Calculator with some useful features. review
Super Magnify 1.2
enlarges portions of your screen up to 15 times. With special interpolation routine to maintain detail when magnifying. review
Virtual Magnifying Glass 3.7
free, open source, screen magnification tool for Windows and Linux. It is simple, customizable, and easy-to-use. It shows a magnifying lens that follows the mouse movement. You can move the lens around the screen to view magnification of any screen area. review
General screen magnification tool. It can magnify any portion of the screen by up to 32 times. Panning around, zooming in or out. review

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