free desktop sticky notes - notes on your desktop

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Desktop sticky notes

Join the online sticky pad revolution! Is your office desk cluttered with sticky notes all over with never ending to-dos, half of which are misplaced? Sticky notes

Then this is the best time to ease out your clutter.

Listed below are link which will help you download applications that enable you to have online sticky pads to be attached on your desktop so you never miss another important urgent to-do because you forgot to set your reminder on your phone, your scheduler or your calendar application.

You can even make notes translucent and have them float above your other windows, so you can see both your note and what you are working on. You can also resize and colour code the note in some applications to arrange according to priorities.


ATnotes 9.5
free app which creates notes on the desktop. It lives in the system tray, takes very few resources, and supports a lot of languages. 1 review
Free Sticky Notes 6.0
freeware to create desktop notes. You can choose individual visual appearance for each sticky note: title customization (background color, font), body customization (background color, font), size customization (manually, zoom feature). Various notes settings including default settings for newly created notes can be modified to your preference enabling you to create a note just the way you like it. The notes' titles display the date and time of creation. review
Hott notes 4.1
free sticky notes reminder program for your desktop. No ads, no spy-ware. Not only can you post sticky note reminders, you can make checklists, set alarms, draw on your notes, and archive. 2 reviews
text clipping manager for Windows that allows you to store an unlimited number of fully-indexed and taggable text clippings in its database and pull them up at any time with a quick full-text search. review
Pnotesa light-weight, flexible, skinnable manager of virtual notes on your screen. Requires NET framework. review
Quicknote 5.5
virtual scrapbook to quickly write notes. review
Simplestickynotes 4.8
easy-to-use, fast and efficient note taking software for Windows. review
Stickies 10.0
Stickieselectronic notes. Appearance can be customized: fonts, colors and buttons may be changed, and styles saved. Stickies can be resized. Support for transferring from one machine to another either over a TCP/IP network connection, or by using an SMTP mail server or MAPI client. review
Sticky Pad 2.3.54
app that lets you place sticky notes on your desktop. You can type notes to yourself, set meeting and appointment reminders, keep track of a to-do list, and anything else you would do with paper notes. Your notes can be printed, pasted into other applications, or emailed to coworkers. You can even make notes translucent and have them float above your other windows, so you can see both your note and what you are working on. When you log off, StickyPad remembers all of your notes, and when you log back on, your notes are still there. 1 review

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