free file sharing programs

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Free file sharing programs

File sharing programs are used to transfer files (video, audio, pictures, ...) usually using peer to peer (P2P) network protocol like Gnutella, Freenet, FastTrack or other. In a normal peer to peer network there are no servers or clients, there are only nodes that functions like clients and servers at the same time, so while you downloading, somebody other can at the same time download from you. There are many free file sharing programs so choose the one that suits your needs.


BiglyBT 3.3
a feature filled, opensource, ad-free, bittorrent client. review
Bitcomet 1.99
free file sharing program fully compatible with p2p network Bittorrent, the most popular p2p protocol. BitComet is a powerful, clean, fast, and easy-to-use bittorrent client. It supports simultaneous downloads, download queue, selected downloads in torrent package, fast-resume, chatting, disk cache, speed limits, port mapping, proxy, ip-filter, etc. review
Bittorrent 6.1.1
BitTorrent client used for downloading and uploading files with the BitTorrent format. The client has a tool for searching for torrent files, uses those files to download data, uploads data to other clients looking for the file, and has a utility for making torrents of your own. The client also lets you see detailed information about the files you are downloading and uploading. review
DC++ 0.880
Open source C++ client for the Direct Connect protocol, that allows you to share files over the Internet without restrictions or limits. review
eMule 0.49c
reliable peer-to-peer file sharing client. review
Freenet 0.7.5 build 1490
distributed decentralized information storage and retrieval system. It is designed to allow the free distribution of information on the Internet without fear of censorship. To achieve this it provides anonymity to those placing information into Freenet, and those accessing information from Freenet. It is also totally decentralized, nobody is in control of Freenet, not even its creators. review
Picotorrent 0.25.0
a really lightweight Bittorrent client with simple to use and clean interface. review
QBittorent 4.5.2
an advanced open source multi-platform BitTorrent client with a nice user interface as well as a Web UI for remote control and an integrated search engine. 1 review
Tixati 3.17
simple and easy to use Bittorrent client. review
uTorrent 1.8.2
BitTorrent client with many features like: multiple simultaneous downloads, configurable bandwidth scheduler, global and per-torrent speed limiting, quick-resume of interrupted transfers and RSS downloader. All these features and more in a single executable file smaller that 160 KB, that typically uses less than 6MB of memory. review

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